Born in 1979 in Băicoi, Prahova, Romania
Currently lives in Bucharest, Romania
Citizen of the World
Honorable Mention, Fine Art category and Nominated, Nature category, Black & White Spider Awards, 2023
Awarded Photographer on
Nominated, Fine Art and Nature categories, Black & White Spider Awards, 2020
Published in Long Exposure Photography Magazine, July 2020 issue
Nominated, People category, Black & White Spider Awards, 2019
Honorable Mention, Children of the World category and Nominated, Architectural, Children of the World, Nature, Silhouette and Still Life categories, Black & White Spider Awards, 2018
Five Honorable Mentions, Abstract, Fine Art, Nature, People, Portrait categories, Monochrome Awards, 2017
Five Honorable Mentions, Fine Art, Nature and People categories, ND Awards, 2017
Three Nominations, Fine Art category, Black & White Spider Awards, 2017
Published,’s X Yearbook 2017
Five Honorable Mentions, Abstract, Architectural, Fine Art, Nature, People categories, Monochrome Awards, 2016
Six Honorable Mentions, Architecture, Fine Art, Nature, People and Special categories, ND Awards, 2016
Honorable Mention, Silhoutte category and Nominated, Nature category, Black & White Spider Awards, 2016
Nominated, Architectural, Fine Art, Nature, People, Wildlife categories, Black & White Spider Awards, 2015
Six Honorable Mentions, Architecture, Fine Art and People categories, International Photography Awards, 2015
Nominated, Fine Art category, Black & White Spider Awards, 2014
Honorable Mention, People category, IPA’s annual single themed competition ONE SHOT: ONE WORLD People, Places, Things, 2013
Nominated, Silhouette category, Black & White Spider Awards, 2013
Ten Honorable Mentions, Fine Art, Nature and People categories, International Photography Awards, 2013
Nominated, Silhouette category, Black & White Spider Awards, 2012
Eight Honorable Mentions, Architecture, Fine Art and Nature categories, International Photography Awards, 2012
Commended, Architecture and Travel categories, Sony World Photography Awards, 2012
Published, Fotoblur Magazine, Issue 4, Winter 2009
Published, Fotoblur Magazine, Issue 3, Fall 2009
Published, Fotoblur Magazine, Issue 2, Summer 2009